My Nose
MAD props to my bfffffff Alyssa. Ingenious. Using chapstick on your nose when it's all sore and stingy from blowing it all the time. My nose is forever indebted to you. (And yes, I said MAD props. Don't judge me.)
MAD props to my bfffffff Alyssa. Ingenious. Using chapstick on your nose when it's all sore and stingy from blowing it all the time. My nose is forever indebted to you. (And yes, I said MAD props. Don't judge me.)
As most know, I got married on September 18th, 2009. I changed my name on September 20th, 2009. I filled out the appropriate paperwork to change my name at work in...October or so. I figured what's the rush?? :) It has taken until 2 days ago, emails back and forth to HR, and filling out a new set of paperwork for me to receive notification that in order to "comply" with our company's policy and the Department of Health, I needed to turn in my old photo id badge for a new one with the appropriate changes on it. I'm sorry, but you're totally making me feel threatened by this when I put my name change information in MONTHS AGO and NOW I need to comply to policy. Ok fine. I primp and preen to make sure my new id badge is super special. It does have my new name it, after all! I take time out of my lunch break today and walk the 1/2 mile across the hospital, down to the basement to the inner depths of hell to the ID Bage/Parking office. I walk in and wait patiently. This is the conversation and my experience:
I have a co-worker who feels the need to practically yell in normal conversation. Luckily we don't work directly together, but she's still THERE. Maybe she has a medical condition that she can't control the volume of her voice? Nope, I'm just gonna say she's the type of person who feels the need for EVERYONE to hear what she's saying. Obviously what she has to say is WAY more important than everyone else and she knows ABSOLUTELY everything about EVERYTHING. It makes me crazy. I'm sitting at my desk currently. There are MULTIPLE walls in between her and I...I can hear her and it hurts my ears. My husband accuses me of having a hearing superpower, but I can assure you--I'm no superhero. Seriously, I'd love to scream at this woman. She makes me crazy. With her "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!" attitude. I may go postal...wait I'm not a mail carrier. We'll call it...oh I'm so deaf in my right ear right now I can't think straight...we'll just call it ape-shit. Yes. That sounds about right. Friggin' ape-shit. Oy...someone save me.
I hate when you go in to the bathroom and it's just you and another person. Silence. You go in your stall. Silence. You unzip. Silence. You proceed to squat on the potty. Silence. You TRY to non-chalantly start to pee. Silence. You're trying SOOO hard to pee! Silence. You can't pee!!! Silence. And if you try to...what if you fart???! But you KNOW inside your head that you HAVE TO PEE. Silence. COME OUT PEE!!!! Silence. Finally....a trickle. Silence. A steady stream starts and you start to relax. Silence. Aaaannnnd...done. Still silence. You wonder what the other person is doing. Is there going to be a massive eruption as you exit the bathroom?? Are they ok?? I wonder if they're sleeping...? Silence. You pull up your drawers, button and zip. Unlock yourself from your dungeon of panic. Silence. Wash hands. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. Silence. What the crap are you doing in there???? Silence. Dry off your hands as quickly as possible because now you know that there's probably a disaster about to strike in that stall. Exit bathroom stage left..or right however you're standing. Silence. WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS GOING ON IN THERE?? Soo weird...