Bathroom of Panic...
I hate when you go in to the bathroom and it's just you and another person. Silence. You go in your stall. Silence. You unzip. Silence. You proceed to squat on the potty. Silence. You TRY to non-chalantly start to pee. Silence. You're trying SOOO hard to pee! Silence. You can't pee!!! Silence. And if you try to...what if you fart???! But you KNOW inside your head that you HAVE TO PEE. Silence. COME OUT PEE!!!! Silence. Finally....a trickle. Silence. A steady stream starts and you start to relax. Silence. Aaaannnnd...done. Still silence. You wonder what the other person is doing. Is there going to be a massive eruption as you exit the bathroom?? Are they ok?? I wonder if they're sleeping...? Silence. You pull up your drawers, button and zip. Unlock yourself from your dungeon of panic. Silence. Wash hands. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. Silence. What the crap are you doing in there???? Silence. Dry off your hands as quickly as possible because now you know that there's probably a disaster about to strike in that stall. Exit bathroom stage left..or right however you're standing. Silence. WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS GOING ON IN THERE?? Soo weird...
I know there is probably a rational reason as to why this scenario went down the way it did. Maybe she was having some tummy issues. That's when I find a PRIVATE bathroom. Seriously, if her bottom exploded into a nuclear cloud of horrible-ness why would you make anyone else experience that?? Awful.
And this ladies and gentleman is the type of thing that goes through my head.
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